Comment and features by the world’s audio press.
Articles and reviews of Living Voice products can be found on the LV website.
Reviews of products in our current portfolio are listed below.
“It’s more of a musically enchanting amplifier than most, and that makes you want to use it for longer, to explore new and old releases and fully engage in the results.”
Review“But even a single day spent in the company of the v3.0 leaves me in no doubt that it represents a paradigm shift in performance.”
Review“… But all of that pales into insignificance when you sit down and just listen. That’s when you realise this really is the best arm ever..”
Review“… Here’s a tip–people are still into playing CDs. And the CEC TL-5, mated to the CEC DAC5, took my CD collection to a whole new level of listenability. If I had the CEC combo in my home, I would stop worrying about what I’m going to do with all these CDs everywhere.”
Review“… it quickly became apparent that this is a very high resolution streamer with incredibly low noise, so much so that it sounds smoother and more relaxed than any of the alternatives that passed through the system over a three month period.”
ReviewStabi R in combination with the 4 Point 14 tonearm and CAR50 moving coil cartridge – the whole is perhaps even greater than the sum of its parts.
ReviewRoy Gregory’s new publishing venture, and his views on why reviewing complete systems makes more sense than hopefully slotting in components more or less at random. Three systems to start with, and look – one them’s ours.
Alan Sircom discovers Kuzma’s versatile Platis isolation components offer exceptional results in multiple applications beyond the world of vinyl replay.
ReviewFranc Kuzma’s XL turntable has long been acclaimed as one of the world’s best. As such, it was clear that any attempt to further the performance still further needed to be of an order of magnitude, rather than incremental improvement.
Job done.
ReviewCEC’s newest DAC is essentially a dedicated partner for our favourite TL2N transport, optimised for their proprietary ‘Super Link’ connection.
ReviewA well-kept secret, certainly in the UK, but Alex Peychev’s DACs have been essential listening for some time for anyone who typically finds digital a bit too ‘digital.’
ReviewWe developed a Living Voice 300B valve in conjunction with KR Audio a couple of years back, with the objective of creating a valve superior to the renowned Western Electric 300B. Being us of course, we’ve rarely publicised them to any great degree, but nervertheless word is spreading…