Country of origin : UK
Loudspeakers ● Equipment Tables ● Battery Power Supplies
Definitive Audio is the authorised UK distributor for Living Voice.
Trade enquiries welcome.
Originally created a quarter of a century ago to meet our requirement for a loudspeaker to offer as part of a complete system offering, the original Living Voice Auditorium has grown into a five-strong range of increasing refinement and capability as one ascends the hierarchy.
We celebrated the anniversary of the original Auditorium model in 2019, releasing the R25A (25 Year Anniversary) model.
…the Auditorium R25A is so consummately capable and confidently superior that you can forget more affordable alternatives; this baby shows many more ambitious and much more expensive speakers exactly how it should be done as well as unlocking a world of affordable system options – systems that are, in turn capable of remarkably consummate musical performance.
Roy Gregory, HiFi Plus, Issue 186.
The Living Voice R80 loudspeakers truly energized that large and beautiful space, yet still managed to sound light and airy and detailed at the same time. This was another room that was constantly packed throughout the show, and for good reason.
Marc Phillips, Part-Time Audiophile, USA.
Our most recent design, making its debut in 2023, is the R80, an imposing yet ‘real-world’ loudspeaker created to combine much of the palpable presence and dynamic exuberance of the Vox horn loudspeakers with the musical coherence and tonal beauty of our Auditorium Series.
It shares the same musical values and priorities as all Living Voice loudspeakers, designed for discerning listeners who share our passionate love of music.
Our great passion, of course, is the horn-loaded loudspeaker system. Of necessity, these have historically – and we’ve been exploring the genre for over 30 years – tended to be extremely large, extremely expensive, and at their best, utterly magnificent, unrivalled in their capacity to convey the spirit and energy of a musical performance.
The Living Voice Vox Olympian took the Munich High-End Show somewhat by surprise on its debut, but was immediately acclaimed as perhaps the world’s finest loudspeaker – an accolade which was been echoed in the global audio press at every subsequent appearance for the past decade.
What can I say about the Living Voice [room] that I didn’t say last year? It’s a system that is impossible to beat in dynamic range and expression… surely one of the greatest stereos in the world.
Jonathan Valin, The Absolute Sound, USA.
For more information and reviews on Living Voice Auditorium and Vox loudspeaker systems, isolation tables and our renowned Battery Power Supply, please refer to the main Living Voice website.
The Vox Olympian is a masterful performer. What sets it apart is that every facet is built to a standard of engineering and integrity that is totally beyond what is expected. It should be celebrated that a company has gone to the effort of producing something that makes no concessions or apologies for what it is: it is an extraordinary achievement.
Ed Selley, HiFi Choice, UK.
Manufacturer’s website: Living Voice