Country of origin : Switzerland
Integrated amplifiers ● pre & power amplifiers ● DACs ● phono stages
We warmly welcome CH Precision to our equipment portfolio – otherwise known as our ‘musical toolbox.’
Systems consist of parts, and great systems need the best, most appropriate parts to make the magic happen.
At Definitive Audio we are known for championing musical performance over all other considerations – this is why we have chosen CH Precision.
In expanding our product portfolio we have taken some exciting steps in one or two unexpected directions. CH Precision hits a bullseye with our musical prime directive, embracing the virtues of valve and solid-state alike. Beneath the cool exterior is an oxygenated beating heart.
Our yearly presentations at the Munich High-End show garner headline acclaim from all corners of the industry. Over the years, our portfolio has been carefully curated to include the various ‘tools’ needed to realise our musical goals, and we have acquired a reputation for working with often obscure, artisan companies who share our passion. But that isn’t and never has been a prerequisite.
CH Precision is hardly obscure, but it’s most certainly a tool we need in our box.
The company has received universal critical acclaim, with a list of awards as long as your arm from all sides of the industry: magazines, manufacturers and customers alike.
CH Precision has successfully combined the musical aspirations, sensibilities and performance of typically ‘hair-shirt’ electronics with unprecedented user flexibility and system matching capability. How many phono-stages offer the option of historical EQ curves for the serious vinyl enthusiast? Original pressings brought to life, with the correct tonal balance, dynamic and musical coherence? Think about those tubby, woody, bullying vintage Deccas – now fresh, alert and colourful; or those homogenised, pasteurised Deutsche Grammophon recordings – suddenly rendered bold, dramatic and tonally heterogeneous.
Consider power amplifiers which offer variable global feedback and damping factor, in discrete, incremental steps, with variable input impedance and input sensitivity – all configurable from an Android app. “No more sweating in the dark” as Larkin put it. System set-up and fine-tuning has never been so easy, precise and consistent – and all from your listening seat.
Who would have predicted that our long search for an ideal suite of electronics to partner the Vox Series speakers would arrive here?
Further, this power and convenience, central to which is an upgradeable modular design approach, is then wrapped in superlative build and finish – no more apologising for musically-treasured components resembling Soviet-era military surplus.
CH Precision has a thoroughly resolved range of electronics that perform at a level that bridges or dissolves philosophical divides – valve versus solid-state, digital versus analogue, Class A versus Class AB or D.
All simply irrelevant.
CH Precision’s flexible technology delivers the visceral and spiritual experience that we crave from music. Furthermore, if you decide to change other components in your system, or even the listening room itself, the CH electronics can be adjusted to accommodate these changes by adjusting a few carefully selected and easily navigated settings on the set' 'up menu. Tap, tap, tap and you’re done.
These are masterful electronics that adapt to your system, your circumstances and to you.
Martin Colloms’ in-depth investigation into what makes CH Precision tick.
ReviewManufacturer’s website: CH Precision